Sunday 30 September 2012

Chosen Photographer: Ryan Mcginley

Ryan McGinley (born October 17, 1977) is an American photographer living in New York City, United State of America,  who began making photographs in 1998. In 2003, at the age of 25, McGinley was one of the youngest artists to have a solo show at the Whitney Museum of American Art. He was also named Photographer of the Year in 2003 by American Photo Magazine. In 2007 McGinley was awarded the Young Photographer Infinity Award by the International Center of Photography.

                                                                                  Photo: arrestedmotion.comA really interesting photographer that I known during my lecture class. His images really "strange" and interesting with me.

Chosen Photographer - Shigeo Fukuda

Shigeo Fukuda was born on February 14th, 1932 in Tokyo, Japan. His family was involved in manufacturing toys. Fukuda was known as a sculptor, graphic artist and poster designer who created optical illusions. His art pieces usually portray deception, such as Lunch With a Helmet On, a sculpture created entirely from forks, knives, and spoons, that casts a detailed shadow of a motorcycle. He died January 11, 2009, after suffering a subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Some famous pictures made by Fukuda:

Tuesday 25 September 2012

"Light" Processing

Idea changed to taking photos of my architecture models and some new handmade models in different angles. The aim is to transfer these model into other meaning and fit in real life somehow.

 1st model: It's an exhibition place small scale model. I took pictures in different angels


 Then turn off all the lights and only left the light under the model's columns on. The result of it is the exhibition place now looks like something from the space

"Light" drawings

Monday 24 September 2012

Lighting in Photography - Some basic knowledge

Light or visible light is the portion of electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye, responsible for the sense of sight. Visible light has a wavelength in a range from about 380 or 400 nanometres to about 760 or 780 nm, with a frequency range of about 405 THz to 790 THz. In physics, the term light often comprises the adjacent radiation regions of infrared (at lower frequencies) and ultraviolet (at higher), not visible to the human eye.

                                                       Photo: Ivan Bliznetsov (
In photography, lighting is sometime more important than the choice of subject. The good view of lighting will improve the quality of picture as well. However, in modern cameras,the sensor of it camera is not nearly as complex and adaptable as the human brain. In other words, cameras cannot see the same as human eyes.
According to Steve (2011), he stated that "Photos are made by “exposing” the film or sensor to light. No light equals no exposure. Too much light equals too much exposure. Therefore, in any given situation there is an amount of light that produces the “correct” exposure". In order to capture a good image, the most important thing is to how to control the light exposure or the amount of light falling into the sensor.Most of the modern digital camera will allow you to control it. Setting the requirement for lighting + some additional adjustment in Photoshop will provide a quality picture.

Russell, S. (2011). Understanding Light in Photography - Beginner Level. Retieved at

Processing "Light"

Refection of Light

I went to Harbour in Wellington at night to take some photos and I realised that at night the reflection of the ligths from buildings to the water looks beautiful. Therefore, i decided to concerntrate on taking some photos with the light reflect on water.